Thank you to everyone who donated towards the goodies or shipping of the boxes and for all the packing time - we packed 48 boxes this year!!
What great work and what great gifts 48 children will receive! Thank you!
The youth are once again gathering donations for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to be shipped to children who would otherwise not have a Christmas.
Our Sunday School Superintendent, Valerie, says that they now have lots of boxes (which were in short supply) and generous donations for the shipping. Now they just need all the goodies to go into the boxes!!
The boxes are made for a girl or a boy aged 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14,
so any items good for these age groups can be gathered such as
- school supplies (pencils, crayons, note pads, picture books)
- toys and gift items (small musical instruments, stuffed animals, toy jewelry, hair clips or ribbons, t-shirts, socks)
- and personal hygiene products (cake soap, wash cloths, toothbrush, comb)
- loose, individually wrapped hard candy in a sealable bag
You may include a note in the box to the child that receives it, add a picture of yourself if you wish.
Please do not include any used items, toothpaste, crumbly candy, food or gum, anything that might freeze, break or leak (lip balm, mirrors, creams or lotion) and nothing that might scare a child (war toys, knives) or playing cards.
Thank you from the Sunday School...and the recipients of the shoeboxes!!